I was definitely crying as i left church tonight. The end of the semester is hitting me hard. It's almost over, and in so many ways i want it to be, and in so many more i don't. I've been so blessed by my friends these last 4 years. God is so good. It's going to be hard to say goodbye as they graduate...
Casey stopped me as i was standing around after youth group this evening. He asked me how things were going, and if everything was alright. I told him that the end of the semester has been really hard, and i really haven't slowed down for the last three weeks. Every single day has been non-stop going from the time i get up to the time i go to bed, and lately beyond the time i go to bed... coz my mind just keeps on going.
The summer is going to be interesting. Good, but interesting. I'm looking forward to it, and am scared of it at the same time...