Well, i just might post something now... i have a pic i wanted to post that was inspired by the sermon on Sunday at church. I put it on my Flickr 365 page also...
Here's what i wrote on my Flickr page about it...
The stress of life. You feel like you are being squeezed. You're holding on to everything so tight that you don't know how to let go. When you finally do let go, it is difficult. It is a painful process. But then you let go. You give all your cares and worries over to God. He wants to take them, if we'd only let go. He's big enough to handle all of our stress.
These thoughts are mostly from the message that Pastor Jerrell gave at church the other day. Today it's sinking in. It's becoming a doing thing... something more than just reflecting on what i heard on Sunday, but taking it into account into my own life, and really going in to talk to God and let go of everything i've been stressed about lately: Greek, finances, self-image, the summer, campus housing for the fall, and anything else that my worried mind can conjure up to think about... I've allowed many different footholds for the enemy in my worrying over different things. I'm going to go to our prayer chapel tonight and spend some time listening to God. He already knows what is worrying me. Maybe i should just shut up and listen for once...
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