Sunday, June 29, 2008

you are always being watched

If there's one thing i have learned in watching all of the spy/espionage/suspense/action movies/tv shows that i watch it is this: you are always being watched.

It doesn't matter what you do or where you go, you are always being watched.

It drives people to paranoia.

It makes them think twice before doing something.

I think this hit me kind of hard the other day when an acquaintance sent me a message the other day. It made me think about how i have been living... in a spiritually dry season, not really trying to even make it to the oasis that is His Word, much less get up and walk beside Him through this desert land.

I have not had a good attitude about much lately. It has not been pretty. Especially not to me. I don't like how i have been acting, and i have known that i need some quality time with the Father. But i had not acted on this knowledge.

It's such an odd feeling. Knowing that you have influence where you don't think you have influence. Knowing that someone is taking cues from you.

It's a really strange feeling.

It's something that i've been told before, though. That others will be influenced by me, even when i don't know it.

It makes that bad attitude i've had lately even uglier.

Yeah... i guess that was a 2x4...

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