Friday, December 19, 2008

Hmm.. I'm still not sure what this point system thing on here is. Oh well. I'm heading out tomorrow morning. I have to trek my bike all the way across campus to put it in storage since my RD wasn't nice enough to allow it to stay somewhere in this building, since the building doesn't have anything that is designated as "student storage". Sorry, but I think that is just bs. Sometimes I just get the feeling she doesn't like me in the least. And I'm not sure why.

Anyway... I'm going to bed now. I've packed up some stuff to add to the already large load in my car (just a warning Mom & Dad!) but some of this stuff is actually coming back with me. I just want to bring it for the sake of having fun. I just am praying that the highways are in better shape than this campus! The place was an ice rink all day... a slushy one, but still decently slick. I think if it's going to be plowed they could at least plow it properly... all the way down to something that can give you a bit of friction... but no... instead we get an inch of the icy pellet slush left on the sidewalks only to freeze in the evening and make coming back to my dorm an adventure in itself. So.... yeah... I have the Nintendo, the Zappers, and the Power Glove with me to take home for break... along with a few other geeky items... I'm finding myself becoming more and more geeky lately... or maybe just expressing it more... I don't know...

Alright, I'm finally going to bed! This is the second night in a row that I haven't felt so awesome when it's gotten to evening... tonight I've felt kind of dizzy... I don't think the lack of nutrition in todays food helped... End of the semester Sodexho is just plain weird... OK... off to sleep and charge my phone...

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