Sunday, April 5, 2009

dreams and dreaming

I had a very strange dream last night. Well, I think it was right before I got up, but I was asleep so I couldn't really tell you what time it was... Anyway... I dreamed last night that for some reason I was feeling hopeful about something... about a relationship, I think. And then someone said to me something about the guy I was thinking about (who is real, and who shall remain nameless since it was only a dream, and I'm not sure why I dreamed it, or even if I know this person well enough to have dreamed about him, but I did) had said something on Facebook about "us" that was ambiguous, but hinting. I was all confused and, again, hopeful as I said before. We ended up hanging out, but that's about it, coz later on I woke up and was still confused as ever as to why I would have dreamed such a thing.

Also, before I went to bed last night, I had put in my resume on to 6 places in the Evansville area. Hopefully I will end up getting a job prior to graduation, so I can have a job when I move back home. Who knows if that will happen or not. But that is sort of what I mean by "dreaming". I know that some of my skills I've gained from working in Computer Services here will help when I get out into the "real world" of jobs.... which is what it's supposed to do...

Anyway.... I need to get on with my homework. I have to finish the Saturday Seminar paper, and two other papers for Biblical Theology for tomorrow. I went to the 7-11 and got a bottle of Bawls Guarana for tonight. That will hopefully keep me awake long enough that I can finish something anyway...

I still need to figure out all the things I need to do prior to graduation... No one tells you all the details you need to know when you are graduating... or maybe I don't know who to ask? I just feel like I'm missing things that I should know....

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