Well, I've not updated in a while, and not much has changed since the last time that I did update. We've had a couple of cookouts and been to Evansville a couple of times. I've still been looking at job postings online and applying to as many as I can. Still nothing on that front either.
One small rant about nothing related to any of this... People on Craigslist are insane. I made a post in the wanted section looking for a non-working camcorder, either Hi-8 or VHS, both of which are not used that much anymore and I assumed there might be people out there who would want to get rid of some old piece of junk like that, especially if they have gotten a new one that doesn't use the old analog tech. Well, I got a couple of hits from it, but the people were looking for more money than I wanted to pay. One guy said he had one that he wanted over $25 for, and another one never for back to me when I offered to pay $1 for one, which I said in my post that I was not looking to spend anything over $5 or $10 for one, especially without knowing the condition and if I could use the parts on it.
The reason I am looking for a cheap or free old camcorder is because I want to build a night vision set up so I can see in the dark around the house. One would have come in handy last week when we had a skunk running around stinking up the place. Thankfully it has not been around lately... maybe it moved on to someone elses backyard. I already have the Infrared LEDs for the display, and am getting the parts to make the LED array. And, I just need to find a camcorder I can either take apart, or find a cheap one I can use that has nightshot. With the LED array it will give more IR light so I would have a wider and longer range of vision than a normal nightshot IR light would give... I've been looking around at the yard sales I've been to. I just need to keep checking them and maybe the Goodwill's in the area and see if they have anything I could use...
Also, while I'm waiting on responses from jobs I am needing to go get the study guide for the General License for Amateur Radio. Then I could get our shortwave radio set up and talk around the world! I should find my old map of the callsigns and put it on my wall...
Anyway... enough random tech talk for today...
Thrift stores are great places for old camcorders. Especially the non-working kind....
Have you tried putting together your resume and a cover letter for more targeted businesses yet? You might get some hits that way. It shows you've got the drive for a job more than just throwing out a resume in an email that'll probably end up in the spam folder rather than the inbox...
This is definitely a Nora post. That's all I can say... :D Much love!
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