Sunday, January 2, 2011

Random blog is random

It was pointed out to me recently that I've not posted anything in a while. I haven't really had much on my mind to post.

Life is still... the same.

I've found a new hobby. Sewing gadget cases out of felt. I posted a few pics on my Facebook in a album titled "Crafty Stuff". Although I have been slacking off on it since I got sick last week.

Yeah, the week of Christmas I started coughing on Tuesday night. That led into a fever on Wednesday. Still felt cruddy on Friday when we had our Christmas thing at our house. My sister and my mom went to my other sisters house on Saturday. Dad and I both stayed home, both sick. I stayed home from church on Sunday. Also didn't try to go on Wednesday, which was good because I found out they didn't meet that night. So many people from church had been sick last week.

I actually went to a New Years party last night (New Years Eve). I made it home before midnight, so I watched part of the Dick Clark's New Years Rockin' Eve. I went to the party at my church. Not many people but it was fun. I laughed a lot, and therefore coughed a lot, but so did everyone else. We watched a Tim Hawkings video. He's a Christian comedian. Funny stuff. I'm usually not one for comedy or anything, but that was a good time. When I came out of church it was raining buckets. By the time I got in my car I was soaked through on one side because of the way the wind was blowing. It was fun. That was while it was still warm before the cold front moved through so getting wet didn't mean getting cold and therefore more sick. I guess it's a step in the right direction when you can enjoy being caught out in the rain for a couple minutes getting soaked to the bone and driving home, when you're all by yourself.

What else.... I'm not really sure. There's not much else left to say.

It's a new year. What will that bring? I don't know. Hopefully something more. Something better. Honestly I'm glad 2010 is over.


Holly said...

Thanks for the update, Nora. :)

Nora said...

You're welcome :)