Searching for apartments is a craps shoot. I have been looking by dedicated websites and have some prospects. Looking on the map by searching "apartments" and the city name is the worst. Half the time I end up on the homepage for a retirement home.
I realized last night that I don't have any furniture. None. I'm going to need a bed, a couch, maybe a tv. Definitely will need a small desk. Might try and get a coffee table. There's one I've had my eye on at a second hand shop. It's way high priced. It hadn't moved for over a year. Might go see if it's still available and make an offer. The least they can say is "no" if the offer is too low for them. It's worth a shot, right?
Pray for me as I search.
Also pray for me tomorrow and through this next week/couple of weeks. Going on the phones live. With a mentor for this week and part of next, but then going on them by myself. Praying for confidence and grace!
Oh, and I just found out today that one of the women who used to go to the same church I went to when I was growing up is actually in our offices as a phone operator! Finding connections all over the place it seems!
For now I am going to bed. Or at least soon I will be. Especially since I'm kind of nervous about tomorrow!
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