Sunday, December 30, 2012


I have been trying to let my creative side out a little more lately. I have been doing some art projects on paper with yarn, as well as pen/pencil/crayon, and I have just re-installed my Adobe Photoshop Elements 6.0, which I had lost after moving, and just recently rediscovered.

Here are some of the things that I have been creating.
One of the first projects I did a few months ago. Just Sharpie markers and highlighter on paper.

Inspired by Luke 6:45 "A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of."
My latest Sharpie/pencil project. The pencil colors didn't turn out as bright as I had hoped, but I didn't have markers that I wanted to use for them, because they were too bold. But these are the three panels I ended up with.
 Got the idea for this from and tried to do my best at recreating it. (I'd go buy theirs if I had the money - mine is not refined at all.)
Another attempt, with blue and purple, instead of two shades of blue. No snowflakes on this one either.
Red and tan diagonal stripes. I was trying to do something in my church's colors. It didn't turn out readable. So I made one with a bit of white over the top of it so text could be added.
640x480 attempt at following the tutorial from octotuts on YouTube.
HD version! lol. Didn't turn out great, but the scatter/fade/etc is not the same in Photoshop Elements as it is in the real deal. Wish I could afford CS-whatever-number-they-are-up-to-now. For Photoshop and Illustrator.
This was inspired by our pastor's description of what he plans to preach about next week. He's going to talk about how people are "fans" of Jesus, and "like" Him, but don't really FOLLOW Him.


There you have it. My most recent art endeavors. Just trying to do something somewhat productive with the artsy gifting that God has given me.

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