Saturday, August 25, 2012


I really want to redesign my blog.  But I don't know what I want to do with it.  I just feel like I need something new and fresh.

I can't wait for church tomorrow.  My sis will be joining us, as she is in town for the weekend.  I just can't wait for the praise and worship, and for fellowshipping with other believers, and the message.  We've been learning so much about spiritual gifts.  We even had a lot of conversations last weekend during the retreat about spiritual gifts.  I love that we are discovering these ways to glorify God.

I love the atmosphere at church lately.  It's like we are truly beginning to walk in the way that's been prepared for us.  It's an atmosphere I felt at Bethel (College), but it had been absent for some time.  There's a sweetness to this rediscovery. 

I can't wait for later in September.  We are having a prayer day one Saturday.  Can. Not. Wait.  Almost as much as I couldn't wait for the retreat.  I know there's so much more to learn and encounter spiritually.

I'm also excited for our new church building.  I have been excited for the new building, but not like this.  It was exciting that we would have a place to call our own, instead of a remodeled glass store.  But I've been asked to be part of the creative team to help with decorating and whatnot.  I can't wait.  I long to be creative, and have a place to be creative.  Yes, making sure we have the acoustic panels covered in fabrics that match the color scheme of the sanctuary makes me happy!  It's the little things in life, right?

Anyway, the night is getting away from me.  Soon it will be morning, and I will be groggy during Bible study if I don't get to bed and get some sleep!  Will definitely need coffee in the morning!

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